Mom really loves us and doesn't want to lose us!!
We all have tags with our name on them (mine and Baby's even has a phone number) the boys, Sweetie and Little Boy both have tattoos in their ears.
The other day she was shopping at the Seaway Mall at one of the stores she found these tags for pets. It will help us if we ever get lost, hopefully safe.
Here is a picture of mine.
Here is a picture of me wearing it!
Although a Frankenkitty would have been better than Frankenweenie. But I still love it!
Mom got four different one, so that each of us have a different picture on their tag. The next picture is the back of the tag. You can scan it with your smart phone and it will tell you how to call to come and get me. (or who ever is wearing it) If you don't have a cell phone the web address will do the same thing.
Mom blocked out some of the letters and numbers so she doesn't get any prank calls.
Here is a picture of Sweetie with his on!
It is not to clear but it is of Mickey Mouse!
Little Boy has Star Wars and Baby has Winnie the Pooh!
And I have to tell you that Baby has found a new toy.
It is silly! She claws it a little bit than lies on it, and than plays will her wheel toy MOL!
It is a paper bag!
And mom thinks it is funny when I play with a q-tip!
Here is a little video of me play with a q-tip and than with my pen cap on a string.
Well I must get going, mom still has lots to do.
See you soon!